Komplette Doula-Dienste
Gift Voucher - Input Value
Voucher can be redeemed against any of my services – Birth support, Antenatal, and Postpartum sessions.
Simply set the quantity to the desired amount for the Gift Voucher.
The focus of my Postpartum Doula service is to ensure the family unit is thriving. To this end, I offer emotional, information and practical help. This includes, but is not limited to, and changes over weeks as family needs evolve: minding baby for parent(s) to sleep/rest or shower/bath or eat or go for walk (whatever parent(s) needs to do), nappy changes, bath baby, feed baby expressed milk or formula, wash and sterilise breast pump and/or bottles, prepare meals and snacks for parent(s), accompany parent(s) to medical appointments, laundry (load washing machine/dryer/clothes drying horse), change bed sheets, organise baby clothes for storage, assist in any practical way that benefits parents and baby.
It is important to have realistic expectations and information regarding what is normal during pregnancy, birth and postpartum. I provide independent, evidence based, best practice resources.
I will also provide information resources and tips on range of topics including: feeding options, winding, reflux, colic, feeding positions, nappies, baby wearing, baby massage, safe cosleeping, baby sleep, washing baby, expressing and storing milk, sterilising bottles, giving baby a bottle, baby starting solids, adjustment to new routine, your own recovery, nutrition, fears or concerns you may wish to discuss.
At an Antenatal visit, I can help you set up the baby's cot/side sleeper/bassinet, assemble the buggy for you, set up nappy change areas and give you tips on baby care for when you get home.
Support also designed for Partners/Dads to be, to prepare you to support your partner through pregnancy, labour, birth and postpartum, as well as equipping you with the tools and techniques to care for your baby and support your partners recovery.
Unused value / hours can be regifted.